Stenabolic SR9009

Original price was: 89.00€.Current price is: 27.00€.

5 mg in every capsule

Stenabolic brings you the benefits of a HIIT work out. SR9009 is presently under clinical introspection at TSRI. It is one of the most popular non-SARM compounds present in a bodybuilders kit.


  • Boosts endurance
  • Muscle hypertrophy is boosted
  • Reduction of body fat
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SR9009 has markedly improved athletic stamina in athletes. It also has beneficial effects on body fat, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular conditions.

The advantages of SR9009

Professor Thomas Burris tested the effects on mice. After 2 days the mice started losing body fat. They were developing muscle tissues and could run for longer periods of time.

This is because this substance stimulates the impacts of a strenuous workout. The molecule ties itself to Rev-Erba protein molecules and regulates fat and glucose break down. Thus it alleviates obesity.


As stated by Professor Burris:

“The creatures really get muscular like a professional bodybuilder who has been preparing for an upcoming contest.”

SR9009 impacts the circadian rhythm and hence a bodybuilder’s sleep pattern. Scientific research has proven that the movement of Rev-Erba with SR9009 enabled better metabolic activity in skeletal muscle tissue. New mitochondria is developed as a result. Mitochondria is also called the power plants of cells. This substance also destroys ejects damaged mitochondria from the body.

This new medication may also be a huge hope in the treatment of diabetes, obesity and metabolic disorders if human trials are successful.



Stenabolic isn’t as strongly anabolic as SARMs. If you want it to gain weight, a diet rich in calories and protein is necessary.

A cycle of 12 weeks is necessary. For beginners 10 mg is recommended. The dosage can be improved once your body gets used to the effects. 20mg per day is the optimal dosage.


Negative reactions of SR9009

No clinical studies have shown it to have dangerous side effects. However, it is still under study and it will take some time to reach conclusions based on 100% safety of usage.

Research chemical only


Arcas Nutrition


Cutting, Strength, Volume

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