Challenger Combo Pack

Original price was: 225.00€.Current price is: 68.00€.

Challenger combo pack is a combination of SARMs and a prohormone that was meant for serious athletes who wanted to reach the peak of their athletic performance. This product package was meant especially for CrossFit or Spartan races but also for long runs in the hills. The main thing is the balance of strength and strength endurance.

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What is in Challenger Combo?


Ligandrol has the codename LGD-4033 and its main function is to increase athletic stamina and strength while reducing the overall body fat percentage. This increases the capability to progressively lift heavier weights. The damage that your joints and tendons undergo during lifting heavy weights is healed to some extent. In addition, Ligandrol also promises to reduce joint and tendon pain.

Power lifters who used Ligandrol reported a surprising increase in strength, very fast regeneration properties and improved health and vitality. The compound protects the muscles from catabolism. This prevents wasting away of muscle.

For detailed description visit Ligandrol product page.


Strength and endurance training is crucial for athletes participating in various sports such as long-distance running, cycling, swimming, triathlon, and more. Additionally, sports like football, rugby, combat sports, basketball, racket sports, and cricket demand high levels of physical endurance. Endurance exercises, commonly known as cardio, are popular in the fitness community to improve overall stamina and athletic performance.

Prohormones play a key role in enhancing strength performance, reducing time to fatigue, and improving endurance by boosting erythropoiesis. However, dosage is critical, as certain prohormones can lead to muscle fatigue and cramping. Lower doses affecting an athlete’s endurance may also impact the pump, with some prohormones causing increased water retention. To address these issues, non-aromatizing prohormones, known as “dry,” are recommended. Faster contain these two substances Max LMG, based on gestagens, and Methylstenbolone, synthesized from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which offer athletes alternatives for enhancing their physical performance with fewer side effects.


Endurobol or GW501516, initially developed to address and prevent prostate tumors and colon growths, has demonstrated its efficacy in clinical trials as an effective PPAR agonist, improving metabolism and digestion. This not only reduces the risk of diabetes and body fat gain by acting on genetic receptors but also contributes to faster recovery after intense weightlifting and enhanced endurance, all without adverse side effects. Its widespread acceptance in the fitness community is attributed to these benefits.

Endurobol, operating as a SARM with PPAR agonist properties, specifically targets androgen receptors regulating glucose absorption, skeletal tissue building, and muscle fiber development. This mechanism leads to fatty acid oxidation, reducing body fat. Phase II trials showcase a remarkable increase of over 80% in HDL levels, known as “good cholesterol,” while concurrently lowering LDL, the harmful cholesterol. The proven positive effects with minimal side effects make Endurobol highly favoured in the bodybuilding realm, promoting lean muscle growth, shorter recovery times, and overall well-being for athletes while mitigating the risk of adverse reactions.


Follow these dosage instructions for optimal results:

  • Take 2 capsules of each product daily for a period of 4 to 6 weeks, ensuring consumption after a meal.
  • For Ligandrol, the recommended dosage is 2 capsules in the morning, after breakfast. It is recommended to drink them with a generous amount of water, preferably with lemon or another source of vitamin C.
  • Faster is suggested to be taken with a dosage of 2 capsules after lunch.
  • Endurobol should be taken with a dosage of 2 capsules after training. If you do not have a training session on a particular day, take the capsules in the evening.

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